Our Miniature Fluffy Cows
We looked all over the country to ensure our mini cows have genetic diversity and to find fluffy cows that look different.
We have a mix of mid size miniature and miniature Highlands, miniature Galloways and a miniature Speckle Park and miniature Shorthorn.
You can meet the ladies below, or if you have questions about breeding your own miniature cattle you can join our group on Facebook.

Mooska was bred by Chester Park Highlands in Carterton and was born on Boxing Day in 2017. Mooska came to us from Te Kūiti after her paddock mate died.
Mooska was disbudded as a calf (she is not polled) and had her first calf (a dun point bull to Boris) in 2023. Mooska is in calf again to Boris and is due at the end of September.
Mooska is approximately 115cm making her a mid size miniature Highland.

Agatha is apparently polled but we haven't had this gene tested. She as destined for the freezer but we were adamant we needed her for our breeding programme due to her great hair!
We don't have a lot of details about Agatha, but know she was born in April 2020. Agatha is approximately 110cm making her a mid size miniature Highland.
Agatha's first calf was breech and unfortunately didn't survive, so we are very excited that she is in calf to Boris and due to have a heifer at the end of September.

Ruska A.K.A. Shawty
Shawty should have a name starting with A due to her birth year but someone decided she was definitely "Ruska" and someone else can't move past "Shawty".
Shawty is from Ruatiti lines. Her dam was a miniature Highland her sire was a Shorthorn. She is short and roan and polled (perfect!).
She came down from Northland with her calf and will have a hot date later in the year - we are just not sure who with.

Blue's dam was a registered short legged dun Dexter and her sire was a Galloway/Speckle Park. Blue has inherited the best of both worlds.
Blue is the boss of the littles and is very vocal when you have something she wants (apples, oranges or silage).
Blue is just under 100cm tall, making her a miniature. We planned to put Blue with a Highland bull but she had a rendezvous with Boris instead. She is due to have her first calf in mid October.

Both of Briar's parents are from Ruatiti, her sire is silver mini Highland and her dam had a white face - so there is some mini Hereford in there somewhere.
After meeting her dam, grand dam and sire, we estimate she is at least 87.5% Highland.
Briar shares the same sire as Blair, and Briar's dam is the daughter of Blair's dam, so she is Blair's aunty/sister - and acts like it.
Briar has great hair (and a much more impressive set of horns these days!), she is chondro negative and 106cm making her naturally short.
Briar is in calf to Boris and due at the end of October.

Both of Blair's parents are from Ruatiti. Her sire is a silver mini Highland and her dam has a white face. We guess she is at least 75% Highland.
Blair is the friendliest of the mini fluffs and her light colour means there are lots of colour options for a calf from her.
We thought Blair would sit this one out but she put herself in with Boris and was scanned in calf. Since then she has been scanned empty so she is sitting this one out after all.

Betty is the smallest lady on the team at approximately 88cm as a two year old.
Betty was born on the hills of Havelock North. Her dam was a mid sized polled Highland and her sire was a micro miniature belted Galloway bull.
Betty's half sister Cleo is also part of the team and her full brother, Onyx lives in Kerikeri where he is about to sire some mini calves.
Betty had an encounter with a Jersey bull and had her first whoopsie in November 2023 - proving anything can push out a Jersey calf.
After telling her she would be having a year off, Betty put herself in with Boris and is due in October.

Technically Belle should have a name starting with C, but her breeder called her Elle so we added a B to get Belle - and we think it suits her.
Belle is a purebred Highland from two registered parents. She was disbudded as a calf and should mature to be a mid size miniature Highland.
Belle has the most magnificent hair that we are hoping she will pass on to her minis. Belle will have her first calf in 2025.

Cleo is Betty's half sister, her dam and Betty's dam are polled Highlands and sisters. Their sire was a micro miniature belted Galloway bull.
Cleo is almost the same size as Betty despite being a year younger, so we expect she will be a bit bigger (which is ideal as Betty is a bit small!) but still miniature.
Cleo and Betty are definitely cut from the same cloth and Cleo got herself in calf through the fence. She put herself in with Boris at the same time as Betty but her condition date was 30 days before that - so another whoopsie is due at the start of October.
Got some questions? Get in touch...