Miniature Cattle Info

Miniature Highland Cattle

Grazing Calculations for Mini Cattle

Contrary to popular belief, miniature cattle don't need "much less" feed than standard beef animals. Cross grazing is proving to be a popular concept amongst lifestylers, but the total area...

Grazing Calculations for Mini Cattle

Contrary to popular belief, miniature cattle don't need "much less" feed than standard beef animals. Cross grazing is proving to be a popular concept amongst lifestylers, but the total area...

Miniature Dexter Highland Cross Calf

What are Miniature Cattle?

Miniature cattle (or mini cows as most people call them) are cattle that meet a height requirement. The breed of mini moo can vary, but miniature Highland and miniature Galloway cattle...

What are Miniature Cattle?

Miniature cattle (or mini cows as most people call them) are cattle that meet a height requirement. The breed of mini moo can vary, but miniature Highland and miniature Galloway cattle...

Miniature Highland & Galloway Calves

Questions to ask Mini Cattle Breeders

There are a lot of scammers stealing photos, setting up Facebook accounts (or hacking them) and then sharing pictures of mini Highlands for sale - be very aware of these...

Questions to ask Mini Cattle Breeders

There are a lot of scammers stealing photos, setting up Facebook accounts (or hacking them) and then sharing pictures of mini Highlands for sale - be very aware of these...

Marlowe Park Miniature Highland Calf

Breeding Miniature Cattle

Breeding miniature cattle can seem like a simple concept, but we have learned it is definitely not as straight forward as you might think. It is important to know the...

Breeding Miniature Cattle

Breeding miniature cattle can seem like a simple concept, but we have learned it is definitely not as straight forward as you might think. It is important to know the...

Marlowe Park Miniature Highland & Belted Galloways

Food & Friends for Mini Cattle

We prefer to sell our calves in pairs unless you already have miniature cattle. Cattle are herd animals and need at least one other bovine in their herd - sheep,...

Food & Friends for Mini Cattle

We prefer to sell our calves in pairs unless you already have miniature cattle. Cattle are herd animals and need at least one other bovine in their herd - sheep,...

Chondro in Mini Cattle

Chondro in Mini Cattle

In simple terms, chondrodysplasia (or chondro for short) is dwarfism in cattle. There is an indepth article about dwarfism in cattle here. Breeders of miniature Galloways and miniature Highlands have...

Chondro in Mini Cattle

In simple terms, chondrodysplasia (or chondro for short) is dwarfism in cattle. There is an indepth article about dwarfism in cattle here. Breeders of miniature Galloways and miniature Highlands have...